
Celebrating Lunar New Year 2024


Best wishes to friends near and far celebrating the Lunar New Year. This joyous celebration marks a time for reflection, hope and unity in the United States and around the world, and is a testament to our shared humanity.

As we usher in the Year of the Dragon, let us embrace the qualities of strength and resilience that this symbol represents. May the coming year bring endless happiness, good health and prosperity for everyone.

It Begun With a Beast In Chinese, nian implies year—but it's too the title of a legendary mammoth that shows up once a year, particularly to bolster children. To ward it off, antiquated villagers would burn bamboo, which would break and pop, a hone that advanced into fireworks.

"When I was youthful, I abhorred it since it noticed so solid and it was uproarious and frightening, but presently I truly miss it," said Qiu, who developed up in southeast China's Fujian territory some time recently coming to the Joined together States. Seek after graduate instruction.

"I take my kids to the Chinatown parade each year, since it's the only put able to lawfully see and scent conventional fireworks!" Ruddy, ruddy everywhere When Spanish bulls charged a ruddy hail, the nian monster was said to run absent from the dynamic color, so ruddy got to be a fortunate color in Chinese culture. Amid the Lunar Unused Year

individuals compose fortunate couplets to hang on their entryways, glue paper cuttings of words like "spring" and "good fortune" and pictures of the year's zodiac - this time the mythical serpent- their windows and wear modern clothes. Most vitally, they deliver children and ancient individuals ruddy envelopes, filled with brand modern bills.

"In old China, it was money. Presently, modern cash symbolizes unused riches coming to your domestic. Cash that's worn or harmed can implant someone else's terrible luckiness," he said. (A few in China send computerized ruddy envelopes through the well known app WeChat.) Year of the Mythical beast, Child Boom

Chinese winged serpents are the foremost respectable and promising animals in Chinese mythology," Qiu said. "They are totally diverse from the Western picture of frightening winged serpents." They are considered the foremost capable and alluring of the 12 zodiac creatures, so customarily, the number of births within the Winged


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